
Caprice No. 9 in E - Allegretto 'The Hunt'

By Niccolo Paganini

Also known as 'La Chasse' (The Hunt), the ninth caprice was dedicated to Herrmann. The following is advised by Emil Kross regarding this etude. The E major parts are played with light strokes at the lower third of the bow. The three and four-note chords of the E minor [section] are to be played with strength and decision, although the two staccato sixteenths are played with thrown staccato at the middle of the bow. The groups of five notes in the A minor [section] are also to be played with thrown staccato although great care should be exercised that the tonal strength of the group played with the up-stroke be the same as that of the down-stroke group.

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Paganini, Niccolo | Caprice No. 9 in E - Allegretto 'The Hunt'
